Thursday, December 17, 2009

ATAR and beyond

One more mark would've sent me to tears of joy.

Oh well, I think what I got is enough to get a place in the course I want, and probably with enough room to stretch my arms :D

So, bring on the challenge!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Windows Live Messenger

Shows whether your friends are online and lets you have online conversations.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Some.. Interesting FB groups..

The popular social-networking site, Facebook[FB], allows users to create and/or join "groups" and/or "fan pages".While some of these are obviously useless or just made out of some spite, many other notable ones help clothe facebook with its better features. Some very witty, or just fun to be around to.

During my usual FB scan, down the new and not improved News Feed, I saw that a friend had joined a group called "i feel my phone vibrate when it doesn't."
..I don't know guys, but we may just be going a little off the tangent of our sanities there..
Gotta admit, though. That does happen to me sometimes. Doesn't help when you're already paranoid enough about the HSC. >____>

... And then I began to lurk around to find more FB groups for you to enjoy.

From the category "Just for Fun":

United by a common, the list of these FB groups continue to grow and somewhat entertain us.

....Ergh.. English.. nightmares... returning.. *brain implodes*

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Call & Response

A musical term.

Very few might've heard of the tune "Mister Bach". I've only heard of it sung by my high school music teacher. Couldn't find it on YouTube, and it was hard to find on the internet.
It's a tune that goes like this.

A few minutes ago, my friend linked me to a YouTube video of a song called "Fifty in Five" by Hilltop Hoods:

And to the lyrics.

Only after reading the comments on the lyrics page, I learnt that it's like a response to the Tinkerbells Fairydust's "Twenty Ten":

I recognised "Mister Bach" appropriated in this song, and you can hear some phrases from "Twenty Ten" in "Fifity in Five".

It would've been great if I'd known more about "Mister Bach"... that would've been very awesome.

"Fifty in Five" recounts some fifty years of history, in five minutes.
"Twenty Ten" ponders about what the world would be like in the year 2010.

I love the existance of the two songs. It's artistic, it's witty, it's riveting and induces an outburst of thought, like a candlelight illuminating darkness.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Well that's not something you see everyday..

Doing the usual routine, I log into MSN and discover four new e-mails just screaming to be opened. MLIA.
I Open a new tab on my Firefox, navigate to Hotmail, log in, and



Does this look a little Alien, or Sci-Fi to anyone?

Check out: McQueen's new shoes.

Not surprisingly, they're not aliens, nor are they costumed for a SF movie, but are models strutting out onto the catwalk.
Completely fooled you, didn't it?
Welcome to the 21st century.

The first thing that came to mind -- Ouch.

Okay, I lied. The very first thing was;



Perhaps I'm talking out of my zero-fashion and design sense, but they look, as one of my friends would put it; Horribad.

Its reptile-esque, odd biomorphic appearance makes me cringe and feel worry for the models in them.
Having almost no experience or talent to walk in any high heels over 5cm, I think perhaps, you'd have to get on the stage, walk, and gtfo pretty fast. They don't look so comfy at all.

Sure, it might make you look taller and more slender, but.. IMHO, I'd choose stability and minimising health risks over them any day.

With so much of the normal surface area decreased down to that tiny little surface.. Imagine the stress the body would go through while trying to walk in them.
Indeed, they are "reminiscent of Japanese foot binding". Eeek.
It's like going trying to balance the adult weight on baby feet! That's not right!

Enough of my ranting. Here's the real feat. :

High heels and their cousins, stilettos, are absolutely loved by most women.
"Most" is debatable.

Why do they love it so much?

Not many women are tall. These shoes make wearers appear taller.

They also say it makes them look more attractive. Ideally, yes.

Impulse buying is also a definite factor. Shopaholics and shoe-lovers with money-flooding wallets can't resist them. So many designs to choose from, so many colours to choose from! Oh, but that one would totally match my skirt! But that one looks better with my nail polish!


What about health hazards?
Why is our feet designed the way it is?
Because we're supposed to walk on it.

Our feet undergo complex biomechanical procedures to propel us forward. Its structure; bones, tissues and muscles move more than we think while we walk.
There are three critical "keystones" in our foot, and any misalignment of these can lead to disruptions in the entire foot.
The foot is the only part of the body that interacts with external forces(walking/running), and thus lies as the core for the kinetic chain of movement of the body. And as we all know, the bones here are connected to every other bones and joints.
So disrupt this, and you disrupt the whole body.

And it's no news when you hear a story about someone's heel getting stuck in a crack on the road, tripping over and spraining ankles.
Broken Toes? Sprained knees or ankles? Broken knees or ankles?
Sure, they're all possible.
One can even break their leg through high heel accidents. No exaggeration.

Basically, high heels are unhealthy, especially if the wearer doesn't know how to walk in them properly. It's not so hard to spot someone who doesn't know how to walk in heels in public. o_o
There are plenty of other shoes out there that looks just as good, and less hazardous.
Wear comfortable shoes, enjoy your day, and save time not going to the podiatrist!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


...... I don't remember creating such ID at all.

But I did.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

An unidentified body was discovered below the Tomoiwa cliff near the top of the Arafune mountain. The body was later identified through dental records, to be the creator of Crayon Shin-Chan manga, Usui Yoshito.
It is reported that he had died of injuries after accidentally falling from the cliff.

On September 11, the 51-year old told his family that he was going on his usual hike to the mountain, and later, his family reported him missing. His body was found on September 19th.

The last issue this manga series is known to be published in November, 2009.

Read more about it Here.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Warning: emo rant.

The ATAR estimate really hit me today.

My parents are expecting me to get into uni, be successful, etc, being the usual parents.. but I'm not so sure. Whether I'll be able to go to uni. It sounds exciting and all, but it also seems no more than a dream, trying to reach the sky.
Lots of "what if"s going through my head right now, alongside the "could've" and "should've"s. No point in dwelling in the past, but it's so hard not to.

yes, I'm qqing over a mere estimated number. :/

What will I ever do. xD

It's also hard to realise(and accept) the fact that there are other ways than universities.. like some people have dropped out of school, didn't go to uni, and are more successful out there than others who may have finished school and graduated uni.
However success doesn't come without effort.

For some odd reason, I worked so much harder back in year 11.. .___.

Ahh. Cutting my internet soon. Seems to be the only way.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Word list

Hopefully this list will grow with time..

..Some words that I come across in the middle of the nights, which I can't find definitions and examples of on the internet.

1. Adnomination - I have it here defined as "repetition of a word with a change in letter or sound", which is apparently taken off wikipedia, and other sources say it means obsolete, act of wordplay.
...I still don't understand. xD;

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Expired March, 2009

The one time I don't check the Best Before date on a packaging, a six-month overdue K-Time bar gets munched down.
It was an apple and cinnamon one. It did taste horrible, but having little experience with cinnamon flavour, I eated it anyway. D8

What's really annoying is that it was bought only a few days ago, from the shelves in Woolies.

First; the old milk, second; .. I forget what it was, but this is the third time consuming something out of date.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New idea.

No, not the magazine. -__-

This should've really been an "Old idea", but it seems like I'm just not that intuitive.

Often, during classes, random thoughts block out what's being taught.
and it's hard to snap back to reality.(..semi-unintended allusion..)

Because I know I don't take action unless I'm under pressure, I have to force one on.

In order to know/master what's being studied, I ask myself;

"Can I teach what I've just learnt, to someone else?"

If I answer "no", then it's time to pay more attention or ask questions to the teacher.
If I say "yes", then the information gets written down in the exercise book.

All this resulted from my poor trial marks.
It's worrying me of getting into the university/courses I desire, and of the future. I can already see that many of my friends have worked harder than myself, and are already experiencing the benefit of it. Indeed, it brings shame on myself, but no pity. There's no-one to blame other than myself for not giving it a hundred-and-ten-percent, thus I take responsibility, and obviously nobody else.

Pretty late, I know. HSC is around the corner.
I don't know what happened. School results were exceptionally good in my past years, but since the time I bombed out in a certain exam, my marks have been declining.
As I realised earlier, after coming to a conclusion that I've been studying wrongly, I cling onto this mere hope that my new approach is going to be successful. I'm prepared for the effort it will require.

Fingers crossed.

-sigh-.. UTS and USyd's open day was on the same day as my year 12 formal, last Saturday(which was.. enjoyable, I guess. Not really exciting.. ). So I had to quickly try and snap from one place to another.. unfortunately I was unable to attend UTS. Only half an hour or so was spent at USyd also.
There was a very interesting major at USyd, I think it was "Digital Culture" or something. Squeezed some info out of the representative guy, and it sounds perfect.
Now the only problem is; Can I achieve the ATAR required for either BArts or BIT?
.......Doubt it.
Doesn't hurt to try, though.

I'll try my best.

Argh. My future worries me. Oh well, will just do what I can do now, and have faith in what my year 10 coordinator once said; "If you take care of the little things, big things will follow"

Friday, August 28, 2009

Our cohort is failing English Standard.

I'm not kidding, some of the students have received below 50% for their trials.

My result was not satisfactory either, but it managed to rank 16th in the year. And My marks were absolutely abysmal. Makes me wonder how bad the others went.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Trials went horribly.

Strange. All the exams were completed with confidence, and with certainty that results would be satisfactory.. but apparently not.

Oh, and I must thank Wing, for helping me get an exceptional mark in one of the English papers(again)!

Anyway.. yeah.. I thought I did well in the exams(except 3unit maths).. but the marks obviously say otherwise. No blank answers, all were filled out with what I thought was correct.. And yes, I did my study.

So I've come to a conclusion that I'm stuyding the wrong things/I'm doing it wrong.
Also the most probable reason as to why I'm failing maths.

.... I wish this thought occured to me sooner.
I thought I was doing it right. >:/

*sigh*.. I'm failing school. My future isn't so bright.. ;_;


UAC Guide. the 2010 UAC guide was handed out to our year yesterday, and I wish they did it sooner. According to the staff, they "were waiting until now to give them out, because you are able to change your preferences as many times as you like."

Looking over the courses and the uni I'd like to get into -- just wow.
Really, I must just be throwing the blame on someone else, but they really should've handed it out much earlier.
As well as uni info booklets, that were targetted to year 10's or 11's. HSC is around the corner for pete's sake! At least hand them out at the beginning of the year. D8
Yes, I could've went and gotten it myself, but that's another argument, so I'll stop there before a bigger wall of text.

I have no idea what courses to choose, let alone the certainty for an offer, or what I'll be ending up with, but hey, who can predict the future?


Last, but definitely not least, my RO server has disappointed me. It's still an excellent, the best server though.

The client was recently updated(with lots of bugs, which the GMs and Admins are attending to atm), along with a new font.
A new font.
A new, ugly, minuscule font.

Personally, this is what annoys me the most.
The first impression I get from RO servers is what matters the most, again, personally. That included the font.
I absolutely hate the small, custom fonts. If you've looked around some servers, you'd know what it looks like.

It's horrible! It's too custom! What the hell!
It's ruined the GUI, especially for us, since we're(or rather, were) known very well for being the server closest to kRO/officials. No overpowered custom headgears, no ugly custom sprites, no wings, no ridiculous upgraders, no jobchangers, no dungeon warpers.. and other many custom things that have been employed by other pServers. We play RO the way it should be played. P:

I don't like it at all. It would be back to perfection if the old font returned. :/

However! Aside from that, myself and the group of others that compose our guild, have been around this server for past 4~5 years, and enjoy the server to bits. Perfect rates imo. And no stupid custom items like those wings. Very well balanced.
The admin and GM teams are dedicated, and we've recovered from the past damage, and with the recent release of the new client, we'll be getting much more updates now.

I'm proud of my server, and will always be alongside it until the end.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Note to self:

Stop saying "hard", it's "I don't understand enough".

Friday, August 7, 2009


12 hours,
34 minutes,
56 seconds,
7th day of the
8th, two-thousand and


Short section on tonight's 11PM news, accompanied by a crowd of excited time-keepers eagerly awaiting for this moment, to yell "YAAAAAAY" in joy for a second, followed by "Awwwwwwww" shortly after.

Now, we play the time game for the video to appear on Youtube. :D

Thursday, August 6, 2009

An (Old) Irish Blessing.

May the road rise up, my friend, to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face today,
May the rain fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,
May god hold you in the hallow of his hand.


I'm not religious, but this is a beautiful song.

The words are incorrect to what is known, and it's because this is our version that is sung during the graduation ceremony at our school. (The melody is also different.)

This version is yet to be found on youtube, otherwise you'd be seeing a link up there. P:
Although, the ones that are there are absolutely stunning.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

무거운 죄책감
이 지독한 삶은 도대체 어떻게 살아가야 할까
앞이 보이지 않는다.

작은 실수로 빗나갈수 있고

부족함으로 낙제할수 있는

위험한 세상을
함정투성인 세상을

보이지 않는 이 길을


무사히 따라갈수 있을까..

walking along a tightrope.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

"Kingdom of God"

A question was asked in religion class today;

What are your perceptions of "The Kingdom of God"?

Many believers often perceive that as the eternal life in heaven in one's afterlife. The ticket to its entrance is known to be a "good person"/live a "good life", as well as being faithful to one's religion, jesus christ, god, holy spirit, etc.

Funny, the teachings say not to expect anything in return for doing good, yet they believe in the existence of "Heaven".

... Well, is that not different to asking for something in return for doing good?

Perhaps I lack background information, but excluding whatever that may be, this is one of the many contradictions in christianity, or maybe even religion itself.


Another thought;
already mentioned to a few friends, but nevertheless.
I think there are more religiously faithful kids in public schools than in private. This is something that needs clearing.
After 6 years of attending a private(catholic) school, you do not get "brainwashed" or "converted".
Sure, they make you pray very often, make the sign of the cross, recite prayers, sing hymns and worship their god - or at least pretend to be listening - but the catholics don't force you to believe what they believe. It's not some.. interrogative institution.

Oh by the way, we don't get funds from the government, it all comes from the ridiculous school fees and students' fundraising.

Private schools are just schools that arn't run by governments, but run by religious followers/leaders, period.

In fact, I speculate that there are more believers in public schools than in private. To be honest, I don't think anyone at all, in my year group, attends sunday masses, recite the rosary or even pray before meals.

So no, not all us private school kids arn't all god-worshipping-goodie-goodies.
Many of my peers would laugh at the idea of attending church.
But yes, some do attend church. Although I'm pretty sure it's for social purposes more than anything, really.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Motivation = y = cos x

Yeeeep. Motivation is a consine graph.
Currently standing on the trough.

HSC Body of Work is.. due tomorrow! :D


Someone shoot me now.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hey kids.

Don't even try to mock a foreign accent.
When you can't do it correctly, you look stupid.

No, really.

You do.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Braces have been finally paid off.

Apparently they're coming off after the HSC exams.

I told mum it wasn't necessary, I don't care if I'm "not beautiful", damnit!
... Do any recent mobile phones(cell phones/handphones) have a built-in radiation detecting device?

Because I would totally buy one. That would be brill.

I'm not the first to come up with this idea -- Cell phones could be used as radiation-detectors

Not just for terrorism, there ought to be plenty of other uses for the world out there.
Heck, we could even draw it near a banana for the fun of it.

Or use it as part of your research project for those scrumptious extra marks.
Mmmm... lunch..

This thought popped up into mind when I spotted the little 'DANGER, RADIATION AREA (WHEN IN OPERATION)' sign on the wall at the dentist.
It would've been awesome if I had a radiation detector on me at the time, I think the patient next door was getting some x-ray done(don't worry, it's safely secured).

Being able to make a difference.

We have all tried to make a difference in some shape or form. For some, on a bigger scale than others. It's also something that requires effort.

Buuuuuuut, we've gotta start from something small.

Like causing people cleaning up their rooms, effectively better living environment for them.. Even if it may be temporary.

I recently made a forum thread about showing off our rooms(obviously with a picture), which is slowly warping from "Show off your room" into "Show off your house". Pretty cool, didn't expect it(yes, I have near zero creativity), but it gives us more stuff to talk about!
Now, most posters in that thread reside in America. Or at least, far from where I am.
Sure, some didn't really care to tidy a few things up before taking the photo(including myself..), but they did take the time and effort to take photos of their room/house/apartment, and upload it, then post it.

It sounds simple, but sometimes, one just can't be bothered.
The camera may be MIA, out of batteries and you can't find new/recharged ones, the memory card gone missing, or your connecting cable might be entangled in the jungle of power cables under the desk.

Anyway. Point is, the thread caused people to take action of some sort, and in some cases, it has come to a benefit.
That can be considered as making a difference,
No matter how small or insignificant it may be(possibly from a different frame of reference), it's a possibility to develop into a bigger, more significant impacts.

And it's pretty cool, being able to do that just by sitting here, on my chair(excluding the time I took to take the photo of my room).

Ah, the internet, how will I ever live without it. :))))))

Oh, a time before that, I made five people spin around and touch the floor, all within three minutes. .. Yay! What a feat. XD

(Also just discovered a habit of inserting opinions in brackets)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Science and religion arn't enemies.

They don't "cancel each other out", they merely "juxtapose".

Religion presents itself as the offspring of philosophy and psychology, rather than anything else, really.
Well, that's if you want to have a look at it from outside the belief's point of view.

There's no need for a dispute between science and religion. The former seeks for a logical explanation to things, while the latter is simply a belief system. A religion. Neither of them should force each other to follow their ideas.

So arguments between science and the church can be seen as no more than two opposing views.
Both attempt to explain the same thing, just in different ways.
And both are theories; The Big Bang theory, and religion's 7-days of creation. (Alright, alright, 6 days of creation and a day of rest. Don't shoot me now.)

Personally, the BB theory sounds more logical than "Let there be light". The universe at just one almighty being's command? .....Nah, not my style.
Although an explosion of one small, dense particle sounds a little doubtful, the accretion of matter, and the laws of physics has logic to them. It's nice and spiffy.
Yes, spiffy. ;D

Now I could write a wall-o-rant, but I has to run back to my drawing board for some more school artwork fun!(Oh so fun.)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Disintergrating bubble.

That high school bubble, in which you are protected by parents, teachers and the school. I realise it's been long since the beginning of its erosion alongside time.

It's been said and thought about too many times, by too many people, but hey, it's only natural to fear the unknown.
Still, in my self-centred little world - and the age of questioning - the notion of "the real world" is daunting.

How will I do?
What will I do?
Would I know what to do?

So many questions, that one will never know the answer to, without experiencing failures.

Ooh, failure, there it is. Why are we so afraid of failure?
Loss? Definitely.

Life used to go without any investments of care. Most likely because it wasn't necessary.
But it's all a rush; and some manage, while some may not.

My fear is that I may not.

Badly structured post.... None of that made sense, did it?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Don't underestimate the power of candles.

So my sister flipped open her laptop while a candle was sitting behind it.
Mum had placed it there before she went out, and I clearly warned her to move the candle before using the laptop.
She said okay. So I said okay, and went back to my room.

I come back to the lounge to see the candle still sitting there behind her laptop.

I ask her why she hasn't moved it.

She says she did.

I state her screen's going to die.

She checks the backside of her screen, she did move it before using th- oh snap. It melted.


That's okay, she reassures, the screen looks fine.

If it'd melted in any further, the laptop would've been a goner.

Although part of me says it deserved it. It's a damn compaq.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still in my late teens, but I can't remember when my body started aching so much, for such little activity.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Empty, empty, empty.

.... The blog's empty..

.. My mind's empty..

I feel empty.


On the verge of shooting myself for just thinking the phrase "Life feels so empty".

School holidays began a few days ago, and it never felt so difficult to simply buckle down and study. Gragh. Damn you firefox, the ultimate portal to all distractions!

.. And now my stomach's empty.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Get off the internet.


FYI: DeviantART's main purpose is for art. Not for some teenage angst and 13-day teenage "love" life.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Speed and memory capacity of computers are doubling each year. (Yay for transistors!)

Did you notice?
Technology grows faster and faster.

Children grows shorter and shorter.
They also mature slower and slower.

When I was their age, I rode my bike with the kids around the local area. Grounds were drawn on with chalks. Skipping ropes lived out of the shoe-drobe, as well as rollerblades, rollerskates and scooters.

I'm sure many others have noticed, but the year 7's are getting shorter each year.
They're also getting cockier and more disrespectful. Or in a more colloquial term, "up themselves". Sure, my year was (probably) somewhat like that, but they're getting worse. Fact.

Actually, I don't think we're a bad year group. There were only a couple of class clowns here and there, but they've all dropped out of school now, and gone. But at this rate, half of the newcomers seem no different to the dropouts.

It was just over ~5 years ago, when we had the utmost respect for the seniors. They were real adults, with responsibilities, and we respected that.
Nowadays; those little kiddies don't know how to give proper respect. Even now, some year elevens are just plain rude. I hope they have fun with this year's year tens, next year. *sniggers*

Hurr, I wonder. If that's how the elderly saw the world develop in violence. The phrase "Kids these days have no manners" pops into my mind. :P

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Goddamned pillow.

Inspired by a video we were made to watch during religion. My first ever stick figure comic!
Warning: Contains high anti-religious themes and profanity.

Click to view full image

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Yesterday, it seems like all year 11's and year 12's receieved a rather odd letter of notification from UAC.

Apparently, UAI has been changed to ATAR(Australian Tertiary Admission Rank). To be honest here, UAI sounded, and worked much better.
As many of the year 11 and 12 students know, it is now impossible to receive an ATAR of 100. Getting 99.95 ATAR is apparently the same as getting 100 UAI.
More info can be found at the UAC site.
Personally, I think they should've changed it after 2009 HSC exams. After all, according to the letter, and their website, there arn't much things being altered except the name, and the conversion of scores. Great, now we have to use a table to convert our scores. And we're a lazy generation, most of us can't even be bothered to pull out a table and convert the scores. But we do it anyway, with complaint. P:

So, upon celebrating this exciting occasion, let me present a new meme for you;
ATAR + Nerd(or rather, retard, as the word is violated beyond its limits these days) = ATARD.

I couldn't help but think of the term instantly upon receiving the letter.

Yep, we're all ATARDs now.
I hereby throw this term into our teenage society for violation and abuse. It may be used as a noun, verb, adjective, or anything you like.

Heck, let it be up on Urban Dictionary.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

There's no such thing as an "Athiest"

This term "Atheist", I see it as a categorisation created by Religious leaders/followers/persons to refer to someone who "does not believe in the existence of a "god"." Let us explore this wonderful seemingly paradoxical matter.

Now, usually, when I am asked if I am religious, I often decide to kill myself a little inside and reply with a "I'm an "Atheist"". This is only so due to the simple fact that people get the message easier, that I am not religious at all. It also saves time, not having to explain what "Atheist" truly means.

Now, if you consider yourself an "Atheist", you may be using this term too lightly and/or without the basic concept. Also your logic is flawed, if so.
Why? In a nutshell, because to say that one is an atheist, it means that they think they don't believe in god, but if you think about it carefully, one is actually stating that they believe in the existence of a "god".

To explain further just in case of need/if it doesn't make sense to some of you; the term "Atheist/Atheism" only exists on - the basis of - the beliefs in the existence of a god. In other words, one who calls themselves an "atheist".. is rather denying the existence of a deity, than factually stating that there are none.

Er, yes, excuse the typos and grammatical errors, I'm not paying full attention to this at the moment. xD

So, let's consider the truth behind this term before using it. I, for one, strongly suggest for a fact that there is no such thing as a "god" or "deity". However this does not necessarily mean that I completely support the Big Bang theory. I know, it might sound random, but I have been asked the question many times before.

Monday, April 27, 2009

2. A barrier of the young mind

Allow me to start again with stating the facts..;

We are/were all young and a teenager at some point in time. As I believe that I lack the valuable experiences in life at this moment, I wish for a sympathetic/empathetic response or keeping such background in mind.

It's been a couple of years since I came across the thought of "immediate satisfaction and/or desire" blinding the latter situations which I'd have to inevitably face, sooner or later.
What concerns me are, as childish as it sounds, rather simple tasks such as procrastinating from school work, and distraction from available forms of entertainment consuming large quantities of precious time.

As I often self-proclaim as a pessimist and a lazy, passive student, I can honestly state that in the past ~4 years, I have not put in a "constant and decent" amount of effort in my academic exercises, at home. It has somewhat become a habit, and a seemingly normal fragment of time in every day. I suppose my mind has developed a tendency for procrastination and dismissal of workload despite being aware of its consequences.

Since childhood, I've always kept a phrase in mind - a Korean phrase which adults often told children, roughly translated as "You learn as you fall." Yes, it's no different to the English phrase, "You learn from your mistakes".
I'm probably being hypocritical, or too reliant on this phrase, so I believe the reason for my inactivity in my duties for schooling is that I have yet to learn from my mistakes.
Of course, not saying that it is the ultimate reason, however it appears to play a major role in shaping my attitude towards such responsibilities.
Which leads me back to the topic title above -- A barrier of the young mind -- as it has derived from the revision of my own past attitude or mindset. Though, one could possibly not expect the greatest thoughts from a mere developing mind still in its teens. While there exists other possible leads into this idea, I'd like to focus on the aspect of 'learning from your mistakes/experiences'.

Surely, almost all teenagers, young minds, adolescents, etc, concern on the "present" more so than the "past" or the "future", although these may linger in the mind rather insignificantly. I, unfortunately am also categorised as being in the teens, and it is unfortunate as I feel a hunger for knowledge and experience surely too great for my mind.
In other words, it sucks.
Returning back to concerning the "present", at this presence, I am here, on Blogspot, ranting on my thoughts instead of working on school works. Perhaps I consider this more important than my major works for the finals. Perhaps recording my thoughts have been speculated with more importance over other assigned tasks. Sort of like "I want it now, and I'm getting it now." mindset, which I estimate is breakable by the counteraction of "learning from mistakes" and thus being able to hold back immediate desires for the future good, as to obey the Law of equivalent trade.

Indeed, the purpose of my post here today was to attempt and answer my own question of "why can't I grasp the obvious fact of pro-active work for the greater reward later in life, and so to ditch my laziness and procrastinative attitude?"

..Damnit. >_>

Friday, April 10, 2009

MSN version 9

You know what, screw the "short evaluation" on it. I agree with Rynen. It's not worth the time..
I'll just pass on to say that it sucks, without giving supportive arguements, for once in a while.

It sucks. It just does. Aesthetically, meh, but cultrally, wtf man.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Deeds, not Words.

Image from:

It really needs no explanation.

1. The Law of Equivalent Trade.

In order to gain something, you must sacrifice something else of an equal value.. That is the law of equivalent trade.”
- Hiromu Arakawa (extracted from the Full Metal Alchemist manga series)

"No pain, No gain."
"One man's pain is another man's pleasure"
"What goes around, comes around"

The above three are three of many "idioms" much heard by the general public, and I attempt to make connections between such phrases and the Law stated in the beginning.
However since the time when I began my thoughts upon this topic (2008/2007), the little experience I've had so far in life limits my knowledge of life revolving around this "Law of Equivalent Trade", so I can only express my thoughts in a vague manner.
Indeed, it may just be mere quote from a magna series, but when thought upon, it can be applied to almost, if not all events and situations that occur anywhere and everywhere, on this planet, and if the physical theories are correct, even the whole universe.
This Law of Equivalent Trade is analogous to the Law of conservation of energy(and mass) in the physical world, as it is to the balancing of chemical equations in the chemical world.
From what I can assume, even the finest, and the most complex scientific events will obey this Law of Equivalent Trade.

This phenomenal Law answers all, explains all, and possibly(likely) predict all events and occurrences.
This law proves that things don't "just happen", but rather, it states that every occurrence is a result of this infinite reaction due to this Law.

Now, at this stage, I can only express and analyse this in a slightly subjective approach. Which means that I, so far, see this infinite chain of reaction is caused by the state of the human mind and thus of its emotions.
The easiest possible method to explain this concept with the least complexity would be best to present it as a reflective chain action between "good" and "bad". That is, if something "bad" happens, sooner or later, there will be a countering "good" event, equivalent to the amount of "bad", in order to totally "compensate" for the previous event.
Like so, it is true for vice versa.

Hence, for every occurrence, there will be an opposite and equal occurrence which will "compensate" for the previous occurrence to return to this equilibrium state.

This raises a question; how do we know when the "beginning" of the cycle is/was?
My opinion is that nobody will never, ever know when or how this chain action started, with the reason being that humanity will never be able to accurately and precisely state how, when and/or why the universe came about.
Now, I want to make clear that I am not religious in any shape or form, nor am I faithful to the Big Bang theory. However I do lean alot towards scientific proofs rather than some fictional deity(ies) created by the mentality of fearful mankind.

So. There is no start/initial start or a definite finish to this chain action. Thus it will go on for, who knows, forever, beyond the humankind's understanding of time.

Monday, March 2, 2009


(Reposting from my dA journal)

You know, a year from now, we'll be saying to ourselves;
'Wow, the year 2000 was 10 years ago.'

- my younger sister.

Time flies. REALLYFAST.