Thursday, July 23, 2009

Being able to make a difference.

We have all tried to make a difference in some shape or form. For some, on a bigger scale than others. It's also something that requires effort.

Buuuuuuut, we've gotta start from something small.

Like causing people cleaning up their rooms, effectively better living environment for them.. Even if it may be temporary.

I recently made a forum thread about showing off our rooms(obviously with a picture), which is slowly warping from "Show off your room" into "Show off your house". Pretty cool, didn't expect it(yes, I have near zero creativity), but it gives us more stuff to talk about!
Now, most posters in that thread reside in America. Or at least, far from where I am.
Sure, some didn't really care to tidy a few things up before taking the photo(including myself..), but they did take the time and effort to take photos of their room/house/apartment, and upload it, then post it.

It sounds simple, but sometimes, one just can't be bothered.
The camera may be MIA, out of batteries and you can't find new/recharged ones, the memory card gone missing, or your connecting cable might be entangled in the jungle of power cables under the desk.

Anyway. Point is, the thread caused people to take action of some sort, and in some cases, it has come to a benefit.
That can be considered as making a difference,
No matter how small or insignificant it may be(possibly from a different frame of reference), it's a possibility to develop into a bigger, more significant impacts.

And it's pretty cool, being able to do that just by sitting here, on my chair(excluding the time I took to take the photo of my room).

Ah, the internet, how will I ever live without it. :))))))

Oh, a time before that, I made five people spin around and touch the floor, all within three minutes. .. Yay! What a feat. XD

(Also just discovered a habit of inserting opinions in brackets)