Sunday, October 18, 2009

Call & Response

A musical term.

Very few might've heard of the tune "Mister Bach". I've only heard of it sung by my high school music teacher. Couldn't find it on YouTube, and it was hard to find on the internet.
It's a tune that goes like this.

A few minutes ago, my friend linked me to a YouTube video of a song called "Fifty in Five" by Hilltop Hoods:

And to the lyrics.

Only after reading the comments on the lyrics page, I learnt that it's like a response to the Tinkerbells Fairydust's "Twenty Ten":

I recognised "Mister Bach" appropriated in this song, and you can hear some phrases from "Twenty Ten" in "Fifity in Five".

It would've been great if I'd known more about "Mister Bach"... that would've been very awesome.

"Fifty in Five" recounts some fifty years of history, in five minutes.
"Twenty Ten" ponders about what the world would be like in the year 2010.

I love the existance of the two songs. It's artistic, it's witty, it's riveting and induces an outburst of thought, like a candlelight illuminating darkness.