Sunday, July 26, 2009

Motivation = y = cos x

Yeeeep. Motivation is a consine graph.
Currently standing on the trough.

HSC Body of Work is.. due tomorrow! :D


Someone shoot me now.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hey kids.

Don't even try to mock a foreign accent.
When you can't do it correctly, you look stupid.

No, really.

You do.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Braces have been finally paid off.

Apparently they're coming off after the HSC exams.

I told mum it wasn't necessary, I don't care if I'm "not beautiful", damnit!
... Do any recent mobile phones(cell phones/handphones) have a built-in radiation detecting device?

Because I would totally buy one. That would be brill.

I'm not the first to come up with this idea -- Cell phones could be used as radiation-detectors

Not just for terrorism, there ought to be plenty of other uses for the world out there.
Heck, we could even draw it near a banana for the fun of it.

Or use it as part of your research project for those scrumptious extra marks.
Mmmm... lunch..

This thought popped up into mind when I spotted the little 'DANGER, RADIATION AREA (WHEN IN OPERATION)' sign on the wall at the dentist.
It would've been awesome if I had a radiation detector on me at the time, I think the patient next door was getting some x-ray done(don't worry, it's safely secured).

Being able to make a difference.

We have all tried to make a difference in some shape or form. For some, on a bigger scale than others. It's also something that requires effort.

Buuuuuuut, we've gotta start from something small.

Like causing people cleaning up their rooms, effectively better living environment for them.. Even if it may be temporary.

I recently made a forum thread about showing off our rooms(obviously with a picture), which is slowly warping from "Show off your room" into "Show off your house". Pretty cool, didn't expect it(yes, I have near zero creativity), but it gives us more stuff to talk about!
Now, most posters in that thread reside in America. Or at least, far from where I am.
Sure, some didn't really care to tidy a few things up before taking the photo(including myself..), but they did take the time and effort to take photos of their room/house/apartment, and upload it, then post it.

It sounds simple, but sometimes, one just can't be bothered.
The camera may be MIA, out of batteries and you can't find new/recharged ones, the memory card gone missing, or your connecting cable might be entangled in the jungle of power cables under the desk.

Anyway. Point is, the thread caused people to take action of some sort, and in some cases, it has come to a benefit.
That can be considered as making a difference,
No matter how small or insignificant it may be(possibly from a different frame of reference), it's a possibility to develop into a bigger, more significant impacts.

And it's pretty cool, being able to do that just by sitting here, on my chair(excluding the time I took to take the photo of my room).

Ah, the internet, how will I ever live without it. :))))))

Oh, a time before that, I made five people spin around and touch the floor, all within three minutes. .. Yay! What a feat. XD

(Also just discovered a habit of inserting opinions in brackets)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Science and religion arn't enemies.

They don't "cancel each other out", they merely "juxtapose".

Religion presents itself as the offspring of philosophy and psychology, rather than anything else, really.
Well, that's if you want to have a look at it from outside the belief's point of view.

There's no need for a dispute between science and religion. The former seeks for a logical explanation to things, while the latter is simply a belief system. A religion. Neither of them should force each other to follow their ideas.

So arguments between science and the church can be seen as no more than two opposing views.
Both attempt to explain the same thing, just in different ways.
And both are theories; The Big Bang theory, and religion's 7-days of creation. (Alright, alright, 6 days of creation and a day of rest. Don't shoot me now.)

Personally, the BB theory sounds more logical than "Let there be light". The universe at just one almighty being's command? .....Nah, not my style.
Although an explosion of one small, dense particle sounds a little doubtful, the accretion of matter, and the laws of physics has logic to them. It's nice and spiffy.
Yes, spiffy. ;D

Now I could write a wall-o-rant, but I has to run back to my drawing board for some more school artwork fun!(Oh so fun.)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Disintergrating bubble.

That high school bubble, in which you are protected by parents, teachers and the school. I realise it's been long since the beginning of its erosion alongside time.

It's been said and thought about too many times, by too many people, but hey, it's only natural to fear the unknown.
Still, in my self-centred little world - and the age of questioning - the notion of "the real world" is daunting.

How will I do?
What will I do?
Would I know what to do?

So many questions, that one will never know the answer to, without experiencing failures.

Ooh, failure, there it is. Why are we so afraid of failure?
Loss? Definitely.

Life used to go without any investments of care. Most likely because it wasn't necessary.
But it's all a rush; and some manage, while some may not.

My fear is that I may not.

Badly structured post.... None of that made sense, did it?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Don't underestimate the power of candles.

So my sister flipped open her laptop while a candle was sitting behind it.
Mum had placed it there before she went out, and I clearly warned her to move the candle before using the laptop.
She said okay. So I said okay, and went back to my room.

I come back to the lounge to see the candle still sitting there behind her laptop.

I ask her why she hasn't moved it.

She says she did.

I state her screen's going to die.

She checks the backside of her screen, she did move it before using th- oh snap. It melted.


That's okay, she reassures, the screen looks fine.

If it'd melted in any further, the laptop would've been a goner.

Although part of me says it deserved it. It's a damn compaq.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still in my late teens, but I can't remember when my body started aching so much, for such little activity.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Empty, empty, empty.

.... The blog's empty..

.. My mind's empty..

I feel empty.


On the verge of shooting myself for just thinking the phrase "Life feels so empty".

School holidays began a few days ago, and it never felt so difficult to simply buckle down and study. Gragh. Damn you firefox, the ultimate portal to all distractions!

.. And now my stomach's empty.