Sunday, September 27, 2009

An unidentified body was discovered below the Tomoiwa cliff near the top of the Arafune mountain. The body was later identified through dental records, to be the creator of Crayon Shin-Chan manga, Usui Yoshito.
It is reported that he had died of injuries after accidentally falling from the cliff.

On September 11, the 51-year old told his family that he was going on his usual hike to the mountain, and later, his family reported him missing. His body was found on September 19th.

The last issue this manga series is known to be published in November, 2009.

Read more about it Here.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Warning: emo rant.

The ATAR estimate really hit me today.

My parents are expecting me to get into uni, be successful, etc, being the usual parents.. but I'm not so sure. Whether I'll be able to go to uni. It sounds exciting and all, but it also seems no more than a dream, trying to reach the sky.
Lots of "what if"s going through my head right now, alongside the "could've" and "should've"s. No point in dwelling in the past, but it's so hard not to.

yes, I'm qqing over a mere estimated number. :/

What will I ever do. xD

It's also hard to realise(and accept) the fact that there are other ways than universities.. like some people have dropped out of school, didn't go to uni, and are more successful out there than others who may have finished school and graduated uni.
However success doesn't come without effort.

For some odd reason, I worked so much harder back in year 11.. .___.

Ahh. Cutting my internet soon. Seems to be the only way.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Word list

Hopefully this list will grow with time..

..Some words that I come across in the middle of the nights, which I can't find definitions and examples of on the internet.

1. Adnomination - I have it here defined as "repetition of a word with a change in letter or sound", which is apparently taken off wikipedia, and other sources say it means obsolete, act of wordplay.
...I still don't understand. xD;

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Expired March, 2009

The one time I don't check the Best Before date on a packaging, a six-month overdue K-Time bar gets munched down.
It was an apple and cinnamon one. It did taste horrible, but having little experience with cinnamon flavour, I eated it anyway. D8

What's really annoying is that it was bought only a few days ago, from the shelves in Woolies.

First; the old milk, second; .. I forget what it was, but this is the third time consuming something out of date.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New idea.

No, not the magazine. -__-

This should've really been an "Old idea", but it seems like I'm just not that intuitive.

Often, during classes, random thoughts block out what's being taught.
and it's hard to snap back to reality.(..semi-unintended allusion..)

Because I know I don't take action unless I'm under pressure, I have to force one on.

In order to know/master what's being studied, I ask myself;

"Can I teach what I've just learnt, to someone else?"

If I answer "no", then it's time to pay more attention or ask questions to the teacher.
If I say "yes", then the information gets written down in the exercise book.

All this resulted from my poor trial marks.
It's worrying me of getting into the university/courses I desire, and of the future. I can already see that many of my friends have worked harder than myself, and are already experiencing the benefit of it. Indeed, it brings shame on myself, but no pity. There's no-one to blame other than myself for not giving it a hundred-and-ten-percent, thus I take responsibility, and obviously nobody else.

Pretty late, I know. HSC is around the corner.
I don't know what happened. School results were exceptionally good in my past years, but since the time I bombed out in a certain exam, my marks have been declining.
As I realised earlier, after coming to a conclusion that I've been studying wrongly, I cling onto this mere hope that my new approach is going to be successful. I'm prepared for the effort it will require.

Fingers crossed.

-sigh-.. UTS and USyd's open day was on the same day as my year 12 formal, last Saturday(which was.. enjoyable, I guess. Not really exciting.. ). So I had to quickly try and snap from one place to another.. unfortunately I was unable to attend UTS. Only half an hour or so was spent at USyd also.
There was a very interesting major at USyd, I think it was "Digital Culture" or something. Squeezed some info out of the representative guy, and it sounds perfect.
Now the only problem is; Can I achieve the ATAR required for either BArts or BIT?
.......Doubt it.
Doesn't hurt to try, though.

I'll try my best.

Argh. My future worries me. Oh well, will just do what I can do now, and have faith in what my year 10 coordinator once said; "If you take care of the little things, big things will follow"