Friday, August 28, 2009

Our cohort is failing English Standard.

I'm not kidding, some of the students have received below 50% for their trials.

My result was not satisfactory either, but it managed to rank 16th in the year. And My marks were absolutely abysmal. Makes me wonder how bad the others went.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Trials went horribly.

Strange. All the exams were completed with confidence, and with certainty that results would be satisfactory.. but apparently not.

Oh, and I must thank Wing, for helping me get an exceptional mark in one of the English papers(again)!

Anyway.. yeah.. I thought I did well in the exams(except 3unit maths).. but the marks obviously say otherwise. No blank answers, all were filled out with what I thought was correct.. And yes, I did my study.

So I've come to a conclusion that I'm stuyding the wrong things/I'm doing it wrong.
Also the most probable reason as to why I'm failing maths.

.... I wish this thought occured to me sooner.
I thought I was doing it right. >:/

*sigh*.. I'm failing school. My future isn't so bright.. ;_;


UAC Guide. the 2010 UAC guide was handed out to our year yesterday, and I wish they did it sooner. According to the staff, they "were waiting until now to give them out, because you are able to change your preferences as many times as you like."

Looking over the courses and the uni I'd like to get into -- just wow.
Really, I must just be throwing the blame on someone else, but they really should've handed it out much earlier.
As well as uni info booklets, that were targetted to year 10's or 11's. HSC is around the corner for pete's sake! At least hand them out at the beginning of the year. D8
Yes, I could've went and gotten it myself, but that's another argument, so I'll stop there before a bigger wall of text.

I have no idea what courses to choose, let alone the certainty for an offer, or what I'll be ending up with, but hey, who can predict the future?


Last, but definitely not least, my RO server has disappointed me. It's still an excellent, the best server though.

The client was recently updated(with lots of bugs, which the GMs and Admins are attending to atm), along with a new font.
A new font.
A new, ugly, minuscule font.

Personally, this is what annoys me the most.
The first impression I get from RO servers is what matters the most, again, personally. That included the font.
I absolutely hate the small, custom fonts. If you've looked around some servers, you'd know what it looks like.

It's horrible! It's too custom! What the hell!
It's ruined the GUI, especially for us, since we're(or rather, were) known very well for being the server closest to kRO/officials. No overpowered custom headgears, no ugly custom sprites, no wings, no ridiculous upgraders, no jobchangers, no dungeon warpers.. and other many custom things that have been employed by other pServers. We play RO the way it should be played. P:

I don't like it at all. It would be back to perfection if the old font returned. :/

However! Aside from that, myself and the group of others that compose our guild, have been around this server for past 4~5 years, and enjoy the server to bits. Perfect rates imo. And no stupid custom items like those wings. Very well balanced.
The admin and GM teams are dedicated, and we've recovered from the past damage, and with the recent release of the new client, we'll be getting much more updates now.

I'm proud of my server, and will always be alongside it until the end.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Note to self:

Stop saying "hard", it's "I don't understand enough".

Friday, August 7, 2009


12 hours,
34 minutes,
56 seconds,
7th day of the
8th, two-thousand and


Short section on tonight's 11PM news, accompanied by a crowd of excited time-keepers eagerly awaiting for this moment, to yell "YAAAAAAY" in joy for a second, followed by "Awwwwwwww" shortly after.

Now, we play the time game for the video to appear on Youtube. :D

Thursday, August 6, 2009

An (Old) Irish Blessing.

May the road rise up, my friend, to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face today,
May the rain fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,
May god hold you in the hallow of his hand.


I'm not religious, but this is a beautiful song.

The words are incorrect to what is known, and it's because this is our version that is sung during the graduation ceremony at our school. (The melody is also different.)

This version is yet to be found on youtube, otherwise you'd be seeing a link up there. P:
Although, the ones that are there are absolutely stunning.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

무거운 죄책감
이 지독한 삶은 도대체 어떻게 살아가야 할까
앞이 보이지 않는다.

작은 실수로 빗나갈수 있고

부족함으로 낙제할수 있는

위험한 세상을
함정투성인 세상을

보이지 않는 이 길을


무사히 따라갈수 있을까..

walking along a tightrope.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

"Kingdom of God"

A question was asked in religion class today;

What are your perceptions of "The Kingdom of God"?

Many believers often perceive that as the eternal life in heaven in one's afterlife. The ticket to its entrance is known to be a "good person"/live a "good life", as well as being faithful to one's religion, jesus christ, god, holy spirit, etc.

Funny, the teachings say not to expect anything in return for doing good, yet they believe in the existence of "Heaven".

... Well, is that not different to asking for something in return for doing good?

Perhaps I lack background information, but excluding whatever that may be, this is one of the many contradictions in christianity, or maybe even religion itself.


Another thought;
already mentioned to a few friends, but nevertheless.
I think there are more religiously faithful kids in public schools than in private. This is something that needs clearing.
After 6 years of attending a private(catholic) school, you do not get "brainwashed" or "converted".
Sure, they make you pray very often, make the sign of the cross, recite prayers, sing hymns and worship their god - or at least pretend to be listening - but the catholics don't force you to believe what they believe. It's not some.. interrogative institution.

Oh by the way, we don't get funds from the government, it all comes from the ridiculous school fees and students' fundraising.

Private schools are just schools that arn't run by governments, but run by religious followers/leaders, period.

In fact, I speculate that there are more believers in public schools than in private. To be honest, I don't think anyone at all, in my year group, attends sunday masses, recite the rosary or even pray before meals.

So no, not all us private school kids arn't all god-worshipping-goodie-goodies.
Many of my peers would laugh at the idea of attending church.
But yes, some do attend church. Although I'm pretty sure it's for social purposes more than anything, really.