Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Want" - a problematic word.

Note: I just found a wall of text on plain A4 page written in seriously tiny font size.. fell out of my year 12 sharing our stories book. So this is just the year 12 me talking, I didn't know crap back then, please don't judge me based on this! XD
It's also unedited, i.e. directly copied off the sheet, so we can all laugh at the naivety :D

『Humans are vulnerable to their own minds. If anything should be feared, it should be no more or less than the mind of humanity. When one is asked about what they fear, whether it may be "horror movies", "ghosts", "death", "strangers", or any sort of "phobia"s, many are unaware of the fact that their fear has been generated by their own thoughts, illusions, delusions and self-subconsciousness brainwashing of imaginations. 』

Desire or Necessity? No thanks to this money-centered world, people today have no choice but to depend on money for survival, in most cases.(I do not have personal experience thus knowledge about life in third-world countries, or any other places/environments which I have not been to.)
We are bound to achieving the goal of maintaining a stable employment(and balance between life events which one may pursuit), as soon as we are born.
Education/school or institutes alike; many of them exist on the basis of the sole idea of helping children/people to become educated and have opportunities for "good employment". Human's survival tactics nowadays are definitely indescribable in the subjective frame. I often ask questions to myself, as many would as well - why learn? To get a job. Why work? For money. Why money? To put food on the table. Why food/making a "living"? to live. Why live? I don't know.
Everything, money, job, "making a living", and many unmentioned, are all driven by the forces of desire. Desire to live. Living? Due to human instincts, I guess. All living organisms have a natural instinct for survival. Perhaps humans have been wound up to survive in this money-orientated environment. Perhaps people have converted themselves into believing that wealth is the key to survival, which may be the reason why we are so eager to reach the goal of living a "happy life".
Indeed, "living a happy life" may be defined in various ways, in regards to different definition of "true happiness". However whatever they may be, all are caused due to 'desire' and what people "want".
"Want" has driven humanity to give birth to today's world. (Both literally and metaphorically) Human are brought out to this world, by the desire of other (parental) people's desire. (for family, etc.)
We cannot escape the cycle of "Desire", as us humans have a natural property of greed.

"Want" creates materialism/materialistic mindsets. What people "want" and "need" are combined to a state where the meaning of survival has been tainted, resulting in many cases with people indulging in materials, wealth and leads themselves to believing that desires are necessities.
To define the term "necessities", by that I mean the conditions or requirement for survival, to maintain an acceptable lifestyle.
The neo-universal culture aims for "just" and "fair/equal" society. However this is inevitably prohibited by the law of equivalency; As such phrases as "one man's pleasure is another man's pain" and every aspects of any life, and all events are an equivalent exchange process/or product of equivalent exchange. This infinite chain reaction is never broken, nor is it possible, or even considerable.
Through this basis and thorough understanding of the law of equivalent/equivalency, [is identical to the law of conservation of energy and mass in the field of physics].

.. and IIRC, the bell rang at the end of that period.

My comment about that: lol.
If some ideas were developed further, it would've echoed theories from known philosophers.. but perhaps that would've been hard to achieve with shown level of English/general knowledge. It's so evident that I was a standard English student who hates HSC! argh. xD
Learning only for purposes of getting a job, LOL.