Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ah fuck. Really dislike this seat now.

On the train.
Next to an orphaned Gloria Jeans takeaway.
Seriously, you've had your coffee or whatever, so take the rest with you on your way out, whoever an annoyance you were.
I'm gonna place my foot on the side here, adjacent to the wall, on this little ledge-thingy, so my leg blocks out my vision of what needs to be homed in a trashcan.

Supposedly I'm writing a sound diary for that Intro to Digital Media class.
Yeah. I'm currently doing the sound componen- AHHHH FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU---------------------

Breakfast didn't happen today.
Or sleep.
This time, I missed sleep without a reason. It was wasted on YouTube. WHAT THE HELL?!?!

Next stop; Strathfield. Okay. Then Redfern, then Sydney terminal, then something about alight and seven carriages only. Yeah, I missed it, I'm just as lost as you are.
Aff, what's that crackling noise..? Cranky sleep-deprived me finds it bloody irritating. It sound like soft rain tapping on a small piece of tin foil.
Looking out the window. Beautiful sky as always. One lovely thing about Australia is its admirable skies. Sometimes they look as if Michelangelo decided to paint a sky and slapped it on top of the country. It's absolutely brilliant!
Even when the weather's grouchy, and when it gets dull - puts on a frown, so to say - it's still beautiful. In fact I like it more like that.

Mmm.. There's the Sydney tower and its crew.

Anyway, the sky. I find it hard to put its full description in words.
Ah, next stop Redfern... Kay.
Yeah, the sky is... lots of things.

Oh gawd, this is probably the Visual Arts sector talking, but here goes.

To me, the sky is pretty cool(great elaboration, huh). I know it's just Earth's atmosphere with some water vapour up there, alight with the sun's rays half the time, but it's also something you can utilise - more than just a view.

Oop, Central's here. Time to get off.

All out, all change please, yes.


1:47 PM.

It's been approximately three hours minus a couple of minutes since first writing this. Now, where am- oh. Wow.
I just swatted a gnat away from my hot chocolate, which made me realise that it's been shedding grains of sugar. The styrofoam cup, I mean, not the pest.
White crystals that taste overly sweet. What first touched my taste buds on the first sip. Thank you, the man who made my hot chocolate, I need that scoop of white sugar. It made me go from super cranky to super not-cranky, and about to meltdown from too much sugar.
Am I even making sense? Probably not.
It's good though. The number of times my brain said "fuck"during the lecture was.. I lost count. I don't think it's ever wanted to get out of maths lecture so badly before. Probably just the lack of sleep. If it wasn't for that sweet, sweet sugar, someone would be in a very bad mood Right now, probably pissing everybody off in about 5m radius.

Uh.. where was I.. (see, this is getting to me. Although I know there isn't technically such thing as a "sugar high", I'd like to adopt this type of Australian logic - or is it just western - to have something to blame on.)
Er. Oh yeah.
Yeah. On the express train. Now it's.. 1:56 PM. Nine minutes I wrote for. Too long. Aff. And I'd finished my hot chocolate by the 5th line or so. How homo. (-sapien!)
Express train to.. Strathfield, then to Eastwood.
Dammit, why isn't the train departing.. Pretty sure the dude I asked said it'll depart in ten. That was more than ten minutes ago!
OH GOOD, sound of a whistle have never sounded so sweet before. Hurrah. Doors closing, and off we go.

I got a nice view. Top floor, last c- no. It's front carriage now. lol. It's almost like a kid on a theme park ride. Front seat on an express train to home; awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeee.

I must thank a friend of mine for the train tips, otherwise I'd be on the normal train that stops at every station before mine. And after. He also informed me of the emptiest carriage(s) on these things. So yeah, thanks for the useful transport tip! Very critical for a tired uni student, who'd kill for a seat on their train journey back home, imo.


Hmm. Looking at the sky.
It's gray, holding the underside of nimbus clouds, with those subtle blotches of differently saturated grays. I swear, sometimes they're greenish. Seriously. Nobody believes me though. Meh.
Do I still find this sky beautiful? Yep. It's nice. I can't quite describe it well.. "quaint", perhaps? Dunno, it gives that comfortable, home-y feeling. Like one of those artworks that you could stare at for ages, and discover more stuff about it as you stare for longer, and eventually get sucked into its depth. Sort of like that, this sky. I could stare at it forever, if not a very long time.
In fact, my definition of the "perfect weather" would be this; sky padded in light gray clouds, no rain(don't get me wrong, rain is awesome, as in precipitation), soft brightness.. top that with lying on some good grass, staring into the distance ahead.. Dayem. Sounds better than a 12-hour nap.
Speaking of which, I really need one. Currently running on half a sandvich(heh), few gulps of water, a small hot chocolate, and an hour of sleep.
Ow, my eyes. Brain hurts, too.

Also, I've been out of it all day. Didn't really give about te incoming car when crossing the road(it was within safe proximity, don't fret there), accidentally got off at the lower campus instead of the higher(ffffffffuuuuuuuu----- had to walk uphill, aff), zoned out in maths lecture(he started talking about HIV), almost brainsploded during the math tutorial.

Oh, here's Eastwood. My stop. Home is near. Nap is near.
Heheh, Near.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rants, begone! Weird dreams.. welcome?!

Like the daily things, procrastination, workload rant, and stuff, is no more from this blog.

It's elsewhere, and won't be hard to find it if you really wanted to, though not sure why you would.
It's like a public journal, or like a collection of flavourless common short stories.. or something.

On another note, I've just woken up from a funny dream; about our school's walkathon.

It involved TF2(Team Fortress 2, an FPS game) teleporters on walls, lack of students, a bizarre version of the school properties, getting your "card" signed(it was more like a list, similar to the homeroom/name/date recording on the front cover of borrowed textbooks from our school), no BBQ(WTF, I KNOWRITE), random merchandise stalls of which we had to line up in homerooms in front of, and a raccoon.
A raccoon. That looked more like an overgrown prarie dog with an unrealistic raccoon head. (And of course, who in FZFT would not immediately think up of ramen after seeing a raccoon?)

.......I've had weirder dreams.

Like that giant frozen tuna at the size of a white shark, which a crazy cat lady dug out from the earth, behind the music classrooms at school.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The YouTube community.

I'm going to be very lazy and just pick on the assholes and the younger kids there.

..Damn, an extensive essay idea popped up in mind.. but that's for another time.

Quite often.. you decide to throw away some precious time risking waste to read comments posted on YouTube's videos.
That's some sacrifice, I'll give you that.

The comments.. they can get as bad as a juvenile child who has no idea what he/she is talking about, to the level of /b/tards. Flames, trolls, spams, the works.

For comments that say something like:
"hahahaha this is so crap, you wasted my time you [insult(s)]"

Often I read this as:
"i have nothing to do except waste time on hating youtube videos LOLZ"

.. Why bother..? If they haven't got time to waste, simple answer is: don't comment.
Not commenting save you the time from typing comments, and waiting for it to send/load.
It's common sense, I know, but you know, I like to point out obvious things.

Here's a typical troll:
"wow your face is [description/insult], [more trolling]"

Translates to:
"i pay no attention to the actual content and like to point out random shit on a completely unrelated note"

..What, they have like, ADD or something?

.. Wait a second.

Why am I writing this? I'm wasting MY time talking about idiots on the net.. WTF?!
Bajeebus, I must be off my caek today.

Here's something to leave with;

Pft. Unlikely.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Somtimes, it's good to just stop thinking.

It might prevent a mind BSoD.