Sunday, October 18, 2009

Call & Response

A musical term.

Very few might've heard of the tune "Mister Bach". I've only heard of it sung by my high school music teacher. Couldn't find it on YouTube, and it was hard to find on the internet.
It's a tune that goes like this.

A few minutes ago, my friend linked me to a YouTube video of a song called "Fifty in Five" by Hilltop Hoods:

And to the lyrics.

Only after reading the comments on the lyrics page, I learnt that it's like a response to the Tinkerbells Fairydust's "Twenty Ten":

I recognised "Mister Bach" appropriated in this song, and you can hear some phrases from "Twenty Ten" in "Fifity in Five".

It would've been great if I'd known more about "Mister Bach"... that would've been very awesome.

"Fifty in Five" recounts some fifty years of history, in five minutes.
"Twenty Ten" ponders about what the world would be like in the year 2010.

I love the existance of the two songs. It's artistic, it's witty, it's riveting and induces an outburst of thought, like a candlelight illuminating darkness.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Well that's not something you see everyday..

Doing the usual routine, I log into MSN and discover four new e-mails just screaming to be opened. MLIA.
I Open a new tab on my Firefox, navigate to Hotmail, log in, and



Does this look a little Alien, or Sci-Fi to anyone?

Check out: McQueen's new shoes.

Not surprisingly, they're not aliens, nor are they costumed for a SF movie, but are models strutting out onto the catwalk.
Completely fooled you, didn't it?
Welcome to the 21st century.

The first thing that came to mind -- Ouch.

Okay, I lied. The very first thing was;



Perhaps I'm talking out of my zero-fashion and design sense, but they look, as one of my friends would put it; Horribad.

Its reptile-esque, odd biomorphic appearance makes me cringe and feel worry for the models in them.
Having almost no experience or talent to walk in any high heels over 5cm, I think perhaps, you'd have to get on the stage, walk, and gtfo pretty fast. They don't look so comfy at all.

Sure, it might make you look taller and more slender, but.. IMHO, I'd choose stability and minimising health risks over them any day.

With so much of the normal surface area decreased down to that tiny little surface.. Imagine the stress the body would go through while trying to walk in them.
Indeed, they are "reminiscent of Japanese foot binding". Eeek.
It's like going trying to balance the adult weight on baby feet! That's not right!

Enough of my ranting. Here's the real feat. :

High heels and their cousins, stilettos, are absolutely loved by most women.
"Most" is debatable.

Why do they love it so much?

Not many women are tall. These shoes make wearers appear taller.

They also say it makes them look more attractive. Ideally, yes.

Impulse buying is also a definite factor. Shopaholics and shoe-lovers with money-flooding wallets can't resist them. So many designs to choose from, so many colours to choose from! Oh, but that one would totally match my skirt! But that one looks better with my nail polish!


What about health hazards?
Why is our feet designed the way it is?
Because we're supposed to walk on it.

Our feet undergo complex biomechanical procedures to propel us forward. Its structure; bones, tissues and muscles move more than we think while we walk.
There are three critical "keystones" in our foot, and any misalignment of these can lead to disruptions in the entire foot.
The foot is the only part of the body that interacts with external forces(walking/running), and thus lies as the core for the kinetic chain of movement of the body. And as we all know, the bones here are connected to every other bones and joints.
So disrupt this, and you disrupt the whole body.

And it's no news when you hear a story about someone's heel getting stuck in a crack on the road, tripping over and spraining ankles.
Broken Toes? Sprained knees or ankles? Broken knees or ankles?
Sure, they're all possible.
One can even break their leg through high heel accidents. No exaggeration.

Basically, high heels are unhealthy, especially if the wearer doesn't know how to walk in them properly. It's not so hard to spot someone who doesn't know how to walk in heels in public. o_o
There are plenty of other shoes out there that looks just as good, and less hazardous.
Wear comfortable shoes, enjoy your day, and save time not going to the podiatrist!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


...... I don't remember creating such ID at all.

But I did.