Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Australia: weigh yourself down

Check your BMI

A BMI score of 30 or more is considered obese.

Australia is facing a serious problem -Australia's obesity crisis worsens as survey shows two out of three adults overweight or obese

I moved to this country in 2001 as a child, and one of the first fears I had was growing up in Australia, and becoming "fat". It has made me keep away from oily and fried foods from then onwards. Over 11 years later, it's gotten worse.
Obesity has increased in Australia, and it's rising. The fact that junk and fast foods are the cheapest doesn't help either.

Australia, you need to lose that excess baggage. Like with everything, start small - slow down on junk food, fast food, fried foods. Lessen your portions, eat an alternative. There are so many delicious foods out there.
Doing the calories/energy calculations definitely helps to control what to eat, and what to avoid. Accompany this with some exercise for maximum effect.

I'm no professional, but many fail or give up not long after trying, maybe due to too much sudden changes. (there would be other reasons too) When I try to correct a habit, I have found that taking 1 step at a time is more successful than trying to abruptly change overnight. Eating is a habit and an addiction, and it can be fought. Set small goals to start off, then take 1 step further when it's been reached, then the next one, etc.


The U.S. isn't getting out of this either - check this out.

"While the average body mass globally is 62 kg, north Americans weigh in at 81.9 kg.

The US makes up for only five per cent of the world’s population, yet it accounts for almost a third of the world’s weight due to obesity.

In comparison, Asia has 61 per cent of the world’s people but only 13 per cent of the world’s weight."


Friday, January 20, 2012

World War III

I've always said WW3 would be on the internet.
If SOPA passes, it would prove me right, and they'll praise me to be the internet phrophet and put me on par with the Mayans.

Don't let it pass. You don't want me to be a prophet. Trust me.

Thursday, July 28, 2011